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Resolution Garners 57 Co-Sponsors
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“We are thrilled and very appreciative of the members of Congress for commemorating this important landmark in our history,” said James. “The resolution also acknowledges the invaluable contributions of the Greek American community to American society, so in essence, the resolution commemorates our entire community.” H.Con.Res.71 had 57 bipartisan co-sponsors. The Co-Chairs of the Hellenic Caucus, Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Gus M. Bilirakis (R-FL) were the original sponsors of the legislation. |
On March 19, 2007, the U.S. Senate passed its version of resolution, S.Con.Res.14 by unanimous consent. The legislation’s original sponsors were Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-ME) and Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ). Senators Wayne Allard (R-CO), Ken Salazar (D-CO), and John Warner (R-VA) were co-sponsors. To view the verbatim remarks of House members, please visit www.ahepa.org. Below is an alphabetical listing of all 57 co-sponsors of H.Con.Res.71. Robert E. Andrews, NJ; Shelley Berkley, NV; Gus Bilirakis, FL; Earl Blumenauer, OR; Henry E. Brown, SC; Lois Capps, CA; Michael E. Capuano, MA; Steve Cohen, TN; Joseph Crowley, NY; Diana DeGette, CO; Rosa L. DeLauro, CT; Charles W. Dent, PA; Lincoln Diaz-Balart, FL; Mario Diaz-Balart, FL; John D. Dingell, MI; Michael F. Doyle, PA; Thelma D. Drake, VA; Eliot L. Engel, NY; Randy J. Forbes, VA; Vito Fossella, NY; Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, NJ; Scott Garrett, NJ; Mazie K. Hirono, HI; Rush D. Holt, NJ; Walter B. Jones, Jr., NC; Doug Lamborn, CO; Tom Lantos, CA; Zoe Lofgren, CA; Edward J. Markey, MA; Thaddeus G. McCotter, MI; James P. McGovern, MA; Mike McIntyre, NC; Michael R. McNulty, NY; James P. Moran, VA; Sue Wilkins Myrick, NC; Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC; Frank Pallone, Jr., NJ; Bill Pascrell, Jr., NJ; Donald M. Payne, NJ; Nick J. Rahall, WV; Jim Ramstad, MN; Dana Rohrabacher, CA; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL; C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, MD; Bobby L. Rush, IL; Tim Ryan, OH; Linda T. Sanchez, CA; Loretta Sanchez, CA; John P. Sarbanes, MD; Robert C. Scott, VA; Christopher Shays, CT; Zachary T. Space, OH; John M. Spratt, Jr., SC; Chris Van Hollen, MD; Peter J. Visclosky, IN; Diane E. Watson, CA; Joe Wilson, SC. |
(Posting date 25 April 2007) The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) is the largest and oldest American-based, Greek heritage grassroots membership organization. Its scope is international with chapters in the United States, Canada, Greece, and Cyprus, and "sister" chapters in Australia and New Zealand under the auspices of AHEPA Australasia. AHEPA was founded on July 26, 1922 in response to the evils of bigotry and racism that emerged in early 20th century American society. It also helped Greek immigrants assimilate into society. Today, AHEPA promotes the ideals of ancient Greece, which includes philanthropy, education, civic responsibility, and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism. The AHEPA family consists of four organizations: AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena. For more information about the organization or how to join, contact AHEPA Headquarters (202-232-6300) or visit the organization's newly redesigned website at http://www.ahepa.org. HCS maintains an extensive archives of AHEPA articles and press releases which readers are invited to browse under the AHEPA Family Releases section of the site archives at http://www.helleniccomserve.com/archiveahepa.html. |
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