The Caux Round Table

The Caux Round Table (CRT) was founded in 1986 by Frederik Philips, former President of Philips Electronics, and Olivier Giscard d’Estaing, Vice-Chairman, INSEAD. It is an international network of principled business leaders who work to promote a moral capitalism and includes global business leaders from North and South America, Europe and Japan.

The CRT’s attention is focused on the importance of global corporate responsibility in reducing social and economic threats to world peace and stability. The CRT recognizes that ethical leadership from the private sector is a precondition for achieving better outcomes from globalization. The group advocates implementation of the CRT Principles for Business through which principled capitalism can flourish and sustainable and socially responsible prosperity can become the foundation for a fair, free and transparent global society.

CRT has made available a number of its articles and publications to HCS readers: "Dealing with Dirty Money," "From Rich to Poor: A PLan for Stabilizing Investment Markets in Developing Countries," "The Search for Moral Capitalism and the Holy Grail of Business Valuation" by CRL Global Executive Director Stephen Young (in May/April 2004 Ivey Business Journal), and "SEC Chairman Donaldson Receives Caux Round Table Award."

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