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Hellenic Studies Programs and Chairs North America |
Ball State University History Department, Richard Burkardt Bldg.#209, McKinley Ave., Muncie, IN 47306; 765-285-8700; (fax) 765-285-5612 Sponsoring Departments: History Established: 1969 Director: Professor John A. Koumoulides Email: jkoumoul@bsu.edu Web: http://www.bsu.edu/csh/history/index.html Level: Undergraduate elective courses Boston College Department of Classical Studies, Carney Hall 122, 140 Commonwealth Ave.,| Chestnut Hill, MA 02467; 617-552-3664; (fax) 617-552-8828 Email: Dia.Philippides@bc.edu/cl/ Web: www.fmwww.bc.edu/cl Sponsoring Dept.: Classical Studies Established: 1983 Director: Dia M. L. Philippides, Professor of Classical Studies Level: minor concentration, Certificate in Modern Greek Studies Boston University Department of Classical Studies, School of Theology Building, 745 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215 617-353-2427; (fax) 617-353-7369 Sponsoring Dept.: Classics Established: 1975 Director: Christos Synodinos Contact: Dr. Stephanie Nelson Level: B.A, graduate elective courses Brown University Department of Classics Box E, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 501-863-3543; (fax) 401-863-7337 Sponsoring Dept.: Commitee of Modern Greek Studies Established: language instruction in 1972; instruction in Modern Greek literature and history in1995 Director: David Konstan (Classics) Email: David_Konstan@Brown.edu Web: http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Classics Exec. Committee: Constantine Dafernos (Mathematics), Georgia Gotsi (Comparative Literature), Elsa Amanatidou (Classics, Modern Greek) Contact: Elsa Amanatidou at Elsa- Amantidou@Brown.edu Level: B.A. Columbia University Kimon A. Doukas, Chair 515 Hamilton Hall, MC 2873, 1130 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027 212-854-2189; (fax) 212-854-7856 Email: greek@columbia.edu Sponsoring Dept.: Program in Hellenic Studies, Classics Established: 1987 Didrector: Karen Van Dyck, Assoc. Prof. of Modern Greek Language & Literature Level: B.A. Concentration in Modern Greek Studies Cornell University Goldwin Smith 120 Uris Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 607-255-7529; (fax) 607-255-1565 Contact: Gail Holst-Warhaft, Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature Email: glh3@cornell.edu Sponsoring Dept.: Classics Established: 1978 Level: Undergraduate elective course Dartmouth College Department of Classics 6086 Reed Hall, Hanover, NH 03755-3506 603-646-3394; (fax) 603-646-9288 Sponsoring Dept.: Classics Established: 1966 Director: Jeremy Rutter, Chair, Dept. of Classics, email: jeremy.rutter@dartmouth.edu Web: http://www.dartmouth.edu Level: Undergraduate electives Dawson College Hellenic Studies Center, Suite 5D, 2 3040 Sherbrooke St., West Westmount, Quebec H3Z1A4, Canada 514-931-8731x1611 Email: helleniccenter@dawsoncollege.qc.ca Director: Eleni Karakanika Established: 1987 Level: Certificate Florida Atlantic University Department of Languages & Linguistics Certificate in Classical Studies Program 777 Glades Road, P.O. Box 3091, Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991 Contact: Dr. Konstantinos Nikoloutsos, Asst. Prof. of Classics, Dept. of Languages and Linguistics Email: nikolout@fau.edu Sponsoring Dept.: Classical Studies Program Level: Undergraduate courses The Greek Institute 1038 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138 617-547-4770; (fax) 617-661-9150 Established: 1988 Director: Dr. Athan Anagnostopoulos Contact: Asst. Dir., Maria Anagnostopoulos Email: GreekInst@aol.com Web: http://www.thegreekinstitute.org/ Level: Advanced undergraduate Note: TGI is a private, non-degree-granting institution, and sponsors many cultural event, in addition to language courses Harvard University George Seferis Chair, 319 Boylston Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-7783; (fax) 617-496-6720 Sponsoring Dept.: Classics in collaboration with Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Inter-disciplinary Programs in Folklore & Mythology, Study of Religion, Women's Studies Established: 1978 Contact: Panagiotis Roilos Email: roilos@fas.harvard.edu Levels: B.A. in Modern Greek & Classics, special concentrations in Modern Greek & Anthropology Ph.D. in Modern Greek, Modern Greek with Byzantine Greek, Comparative Literature, Anthropology Certificate in Language Competence in Modern Greek Extension School: B.A. Hellenic College 60 Goddard Ave., Brookline, MA 02146 617-731-3500 Sponsoring Dept.: Greek Studies Established: 1968 Director: Aristotle Michopoulos, Professor of Greek and Greek-American Studies Level: B.A. Minor in Modern Greek Studies. Elective courses. Certificate in Modern Greek Studies Kent State University Kent, OH 44242 216-672-7980; (fax) 216-672-4025 Sponsoring Dept.: History, Modern and Classical Language Studies Director: Victor Papacosma, Professor of History (Greece, Balkans, Europe) Email: spapacos@kent.edu Level: Certificate in Hellenic Studies (ancient to modern) Kenyon College Department of Classics Ascension Hall, Gambier, OH 43022 740-427-5657; (fax) 614-427-5276/5676 Sponsoring Dept.: Classics Director: Prof. William E. McCulloh, Emeritus Email: mcculloh@kenyon.edu Established: 1972 Level: Undergraduate individual tutorials Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659 Basil P. Caloyeras Center for Modern Greek Studies; 310-338-4463; (fax) 310-338-1947 Established: 1971 by Prof. Hugh Gray Director: Demetrios Liappas, Modern Languages Department Email: dliappas@lmu.edu Level: Minor in Modern Greek McGill University Classics Department, 855 Sherbrooke St., West, Montreal, Quebec H3A2T7, Canada 514-398-6208; 514-398-6202 (Classics) Director: Prof. Anne Farmakides, Emerita Established: 1963 Level: Minor concentration and B.A. New School for Social Research 66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 212-229-5676; (fax) 212-229-5679 Sponsoring Dept.: Foreign Languges Director: Linda Rodrigues, Professor of Languages Level: Undergraduate elective courses New York University 726 Broadway, Rm. 634, New York, NY 10003 212-998-3990; (fax) 212-998-3985 Sponsoring Dept.: Alexander S. Onassis Program in Hellenic Studies Established: 1988 Level: B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Ohio State University 414 University Hall, 230 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 614-292-2744; (fax) 614-292-7835 Web: http://omega.Columbus.ohio- state.edu/php/ Sponsoring Dept.: Greek and Latin Director: Gregory Jusdanis, Professor of Modern Greek Email: jusdanis.l@osu.edu Established: 1975 Level: B.A., M.A., Ph.D. in Modern Greek, in Greek (Ancient through Modern), and in several languages and disciplines housed in other departments Old Dominion University Development Office, College of Arts and Letters, 100 New Administration Bldg., Norfolk, VA 23529 804-683-3421; (fax) 804-683-5911 Sponsoring Dept.: College of Arts & Letters Established: Currently in planning stage. Director: Harry D. Creemers, Exec. Dir. of Development Level: Undergraduate degree in classical studies Princeton University 58 Prospect Ave., Princeton, NJ 08540 609-258-3339; (fax) 609-258-2137 Sponsoring Dept.: Program in Hellenic Studies Web: www.princeton.edu/-Hellenic Established: 1979 Director: Peter Brown, Professor of History Executive Director: Dimitri Gondicas, Lecturer in Modern Greek Level: Undergraduate Certificate in Hellenic Studies; Ph.D. in Classical and Hellenic Studies Queens College CUNY, Jefferson Hall 301, Flushing, NY 11367-0904; 718-997-4520; (fax) 718-997-4529 Email: Hpsomiad@gol.go.edu Web: www.go-edu/greekstudies Sponsoring Dept.: Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Established: 1973 Director: Harry J. Psomiades, Professor of Political Science; Email: Psomiades@go.edu Assistant Director: Ms. Effie Lekas Level: B.A., Certificate in Modern Greek Studies |
Regis College Weston, MA 02493-1571 781-768-7433; (fax) 617-484-6223 Sponsoring Departments: History, Classics Established: 1972 Director: A. Lily Macrakis, Prof. of History Level: Certificate and minor in Modern Greek Studies Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, PO Box 195, Jim Leeds Rd., Pomona, NJ 08240-0195; 609-652- 1776; (fax) 609-601-0247; Sponsoring Departs: Arts and Humanities Established: 1995 Coordinators: Demetrios Constantelos Email: Demetrios.Constantelos@stockton.edu Contacts: Alexander Alexakis Email: Alexakia@loki.stockton.edu Tom Papademetiou; Email: papadema@stockton.edu Level: Minor in Hellenic Studies (2002-03) Rutgers University 306 Bishop House, College Ave. Campus New Brunswick, NJ 08903 908-932-9637; (fax) 908-932-1271 Email: trip@rci.rutgers.edu Web: http://moderngreek.studies.rutgers.edu Sponsor: School of Arts and Sciences Established: 1979 Director: Antonia Tripolitis, Professor of Late Antiquity Level: Undergraduate Minor San Francisco State University School of Humanities, 1600 Holloway Ave. San Francisco, CA 94132 415-338-1892; (fax) 415-338-0932 Email: Modgreek@sfsu.edu Web: www.sfsu.edu-modgreek Center for Modern Greek Studies, Nikos Kazantzakis Chair Sponsoring Departments: Comparative Literature and Classics Established: 1981 Director: Martha Klironomos, Assistant Professor of Modern Greek & Comparative Literature Level: B.A., M.A. in Classics, minor in Modern Greek; M.A. in Comparative Literature, concentration in Modern Greek Literature Temple University 739-741 Gladfelter Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-204-1715; (fax) 215-204-1715 Sponsoring Dept.: Ctr. for Hellenic Studies Director: Kyriakos M. Kontopoulos, Professor of Sociology Level: Undergraduate elective courses University of Arizona Department of Classics, Learning Services Building 203, 1512 East First Street, Tucson, AZ 85721-0105; 520-621-1689; (fax) 520-621-3678; Web: http://www.coh.arizona.edu/classics/ programs/modern_greek/greek.html Sponsoring Dept.: Classics Established: 1973 Directors: Mary Elis Voyatzis, Head, Dept. of Classics and Assoc. Prof. of Greek Archaeology; Gonda Van Steen, Associate Professor of Classics and Modern Greek Email: gonda@u.arizona.edu Contact: Elini Hasaki, Assistant Professor of Ancient Archaeology Level: Undergraduate minor University of Connecticut at Storrs Center for Hellenic Studies "Paideia" 28 Dog Lane, P.O. Box 818, Storrs, CT 06268 (860) 429-8518; (fax) 860-583-5643 Email: paideia@snet.net Director: Ilias Tomazos Level: B.A., Teacher education, Certificate programs, Graduate courses
Information compiled from Internet resources, including the Modern Greek Studies Association website at http://www.hnet.uci.edu/classics/MGSA/programs/arizona.html, sundry other Internet sites, and the annual directory of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Corrections or additions may be submitted to HCS at helleniccomserve@papcoholdings.org. |
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