A true story of hardship, devastation, and survival during WWII and the
Greek Civil War
Nikos takes you through a family's painstaking adventure of famine, terror, and
daily struggles for survival during the German occupation of Greece, as well as the
subsequent immoral struggle of Greeks killing each other - father against son,
husband's family against wife's family, brother against brother.
We have heard numerous times of death camps and millions of Jews killed by the
Germans. Movies were made of the Holocaust, including Schindler's List and others, but that
is not the only place where the Germans committed atrocities.
In Greece more than 50,000 Jews were killed and many more Greeks lost their lives.
Even in my small village of Zoupena the Nazis gunned down twenty-one innocent people in cold blood.
As if the WWII catastrophe was not enough, a more internal war in Greece took the country into deeper depths of sufferings.
A young boy's candid account of the events as he experienced them provides a remarkable trail of famine, terror, and survival for himself and his family.
If interested in purchasing the book, Recollections of Survival, please contact:
Nikolaos (Nick) Caravasos
70 Forest Lane
Swarthmore, PA 19081-1203 $21.00 (US) includes S&H
Phone: (610) 541-0755
Email: nikoscs@att.net