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Publications Catalogue of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies |
Note: Items preceded by an asterisk are no longer available Kappadokia [Cappadocia] *Andriotis, Nikos, To glossiko idioma ton Pharason. 1948. [Linguistic Idiom of the Pharason.] * Merlier, Melpo, To Archeio tis mikrasiatikis laographias. Pos idrythike. Pos Argastike. 1948. [The Archives of Asia Minor Folklore. How It Was Established. How It Functioned.] * Loukopoulos, D. and D. Petropoulos, E laiki latreia ton Pharason. 1949. [Religious Devotion of the People of Pharason.] * Kesisoglou, I., To glossiko idoma tou Oulagats. 1951. [Linguistic Idiom of Oulagats.] * Loukopoulos, D. and D. Loukatos, Paroimies ton Pharason. 1951. [Proverbs of Pharason.] * Loucopoulos, D. and D. Loucatos, Proverbes de Farassa. Galliki metaphrasi apo ton Octave Merlier. 1951. [Proverbs of Pharason. French translation by Octavius Merlier.] Sepheris, Giorgos, Treis meres sta monastiria tis Kappadokias. Me 50 eikones. 1953. [Three Days at the Monasteries of Cappadocia. With 50 illustrations. * Seferis, Georges, Trois jours dans les eglises rupestres de Cappadoce. Me 50 eikones. 1953. [Three Days in the Monasteries of Cappadocia. With 50 illustrations.] Marava-Chatzinikolaou, Anna, O Ayios Mamas. Me 25 eikones. 1953. Epanekdosi 1995. [St. Mamas. With 25 illustrations. 1953. Reprint 1995.] * Mavrochalyvidis, G. and I. Kesisoglou, To glossiko idioma tis Axou. Prologos N. P. Andrioti. 1960. [Linguistic Idiom of Axou. Prologue by N. P. Andrioti.] Tatakis, V., E symvolitis Kappadokias sti christianiki skepsi. 1960. Epanekdosi 1989. [The contribution of Cappadocia to Christian Thought. 1960. Reprint 1989.] Phosteris, D. and I. Kesisoglou, Lexilogio tou Aravani. Prologos N. P. Andrioti. 1960. [Vocabulary of the Arabs. Prologue by N. P. Andrioti. 1960] *Kostakis, Thanasis, E Anakou. Prologos Melpo Merlie. 1963. [Anakou. Prologue by Melpo Merlier.] Costakis, A., Le parler grec d’Anakou. 1964. [The Speaking of Greek at Anakou.] Petropoulos, D., and E. Andreadis, E thriskevtiki zoi stin perphereia Akserai-Gkelveri. Prologos kai galliki analysi Melpos kai Octaviou Merlie. Me 77 Eikones kai 1 charti. 1971. [Religious Life in the District Akserai-Gkelveri. Prologue and French analysis by Melpo and Octavius Merlier. With 77 illustrations and 1 map. 1971.] Tsalikoglou, E. Ellinika ekpaideutiria kai ellinorthodoxoi koinotites tis periphereias Kaisareias vasei ton eis ta Genika Archeia tou Kratous kodikon. M’ ena Charti kai 22 pinakes ektos keimenou. 1976. [Greek Schools and Orthodox Communities of the District of Caesarea ________codexes in the National Archives of the Government. With one map and 22 full-page drawings.1976.] Ionia * Karatzas, St., Smyrnis tragedies: Duo anekdota poiemata schetika me taraches sti Smyrni (1788, 1810). 1958. [Tragedies of Smyrna: Two Anecdotal Poems Concerning the Riots in Smyrna (1788, 1810). 1958] * Sakellariou, M., La migration grecque en Ionie. 1958. [The Greek Migration in Ionia. 1958.] Lykia [Lycia] * Andriotis, N., To glossiko idioma toui Livisioui tis Lykias. 1961. [Linguistic Idiom of Livisio of Lycia. 1961.] * Mousaiou-Mpougioukou, K., Paroimies toui Livisiou kai tis Makris. Eisagogi Dem. A. Petropoulou. 1961. [Proverbs of Livisio and of Makris. Forward by Dem. A. Petropoulou. 1961.] * Mousaiou-Mpougioukou, K., Paramythia toui LIvisiou kai tis Makris. Me schedia tis Mariannas N. Koutouzi. 1976. [Folktales of Livisio and of Makris. With drawings by Mariannna N. Koutouzi. 1976.] Lykaonia Kostakis, Thanasis, To glossiko idioma tis Sillis. 1968. [Linguistic Idiom of Sillis. 1968] Vithynia [Bithynia] Kostakis, Thanasis, Vatika kai Chavoutsi, ta tsakonochoria tis Propontidas. 1979. [Vatika and Chavoutsi, the seized villages of the Propontis. 1979] Christidis, Christophoros, Ta Septemvriana, (Konstantinoupoli kai Smyrni, 1955). Symvoli stin prosphati istoria ton ellinikon koinotiton. (Upo ekdosi). [The Events of September (Constantinople and Smyrna, 1955). The Juncture of Recent History of Greek Communities (At press in 1996).] Bibliographia [Bibiography] * Salaville, S. and E. Dalleggio, Karamanlidika. Bibliographie analytique d’ouvrages en langue turque imprimes en caracteres grecs. I: 1584-1850. 1958. [Karamanlidika. Addenda (1854-1900). Analytical bibliography. 1987.] Balta, Evangelia, Karamanlidika, XXe siecle. Bibliographie analytique. 1987. [Karamanlidika, 20th century. Analytical bibliography. 1987.] Balta, Evangelia, Karamanlidika. Supplement. Bibliographie analytique. (Upo ekdosi). [Karamanlidika. Supplement. Analytical bibliography. (At press in 1996).] E Exodos [The Exodus] E Exodos. Tomos A’, Martyries apo tis eparchies ton dytikon paralion tis Mikrasias. Prologos G. Tenekidi. Eisagogi, epilogi keimenon-epimeleia F. D. Apostolopoulou. Me polles eikones ektos keimenou kai enan egchromo charti.1980. [The Exodus. First Volume, Witnesses from the districts of the western shores of Asia Minor. Prologue by G. Tenekidi. Forward, epilogue, and texts arranged by F. D. Apostolopoulou. With many full-page illustrations and one colored map. 1980.] E Exodos. Tomos B’, Martyries apo tis eparchies tis kentrikis kai notias Mikrasias. Eisagogi-epopteia Paschali M. Kitromilidi. Epimeleia Gianni Mourelou. Me Polles eikones ektos keimenou kai enan egchromo charti. 1982. [The Exodus. Second Volume, Witnesses from the districts of central and southern Asia Minor. Forward and editing by Paschali M. Kitromilidi. Arranged by Gianni Mourelou. With many full-page illustrations and one colored map. 1982.] E Exodos. Tomos G’, Martyries apo tis eparchies tis voreias kai voreianatolikis Mikrasias. (Upo ekdosi.) [The Exodus. Third Volume, Witnesses from the Districts of northern and northeastern Asia Minor. (At press in 1996). Bibliothikistorikon Meleton [Studies from the Historical Library] Alexandris, Alexis, The Greek Minority of Istanbul and Greek-Turkish Relations 1918-1974. 1983. Epanekdosi. 1992. [Reprint 1992.] Frangakis-Syrett, Elena, The Commerce of Smyrna in the Eighteenth Century (1700-1820). 1992. Eidikes Ekdoseis [Special Publications] [Oktavios kai Melpo Merlie], O teleutaios ellinismos tis Mikras Asias. Ekthesi tou ergoui tou Kentroui Mikrasiatikon Spoudon (1930-1973). Katalogos. Me polles eikones kai chartes ektos keimenou. 1974. [Merlier, Octavius and Melpo, The Last Hellenism of Asia Minor. Exposition of the Work of the Center for Asia Minor Studies (1930-1973). Catalogue. With many illustrations and full-page Maps. 1974.] Merlier, Octave, Introduction au catalogue de l’exposition “Le dernier Hellenisme d’Asie Mineure.” Me polles eikones kai chartes ektos keimenou. 1974. [Merlier, Octavius. Introduction to the catalogue of the exposition, “The Last Hellenism of Asia Minor.” With many illustrations and full-page maps. 1974.] Amitos sti mnimi Photi Apostolopoulou. Timitikos tomos. 1984. [Amitos in the Memory Of Photi Apostolopoulos. Honorary volume. 1984.] Pliziotis, Charalampos, Anamniseis toiu metopou 1920-1921. Mikra Asia-Thraki. Eisagogi-epimeleia Matoulas Rizou-Kouroupou. 1991. [Pliziotis, Charalampos, Recollections of the Front of 1920-1921. Asia Minor-Thrace. Forward and Arrangement by matoula Rizou-Kouroupou. 1991.] Giannakopoulos, Giorgos A., Prosphygiki Ellada: Photographies apo to Archeio tou Kentrou Mikrasiatikon Spoudon=Refugee Greece: Photographs from the Archive of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies. Prologos Paschali M. Kitromilidi. 1992. Kalphoglous, I. E., Istoriki geographia tis mikrasiatikis chersonisou. Eisagogi-metaphrasi Stavrou Th. Anestidi. (Upo ekdosi.) [Historical Geography of the Asia Minor Peninsula. Forward and translation by Stavros Th. Anestidis (At press in 1996.)] Archeio Melpos kai Oktavioiu Merlie [Archive of Melpo and Octavius Merlier] Solomos, La vision prophetique du moine Dionysios ou La femme de Zante. Essai d’anastylose de l’oeuvre. Introduction,k traduction et commentaries par Octave Merlier. 1987. [The Prophetic Vision of the monk Dionysos or the Woman of Zante. Essay on the restoration of the work. Introduction and translation and commentary by Octavius Merlier.] Merlier, Octave, Solomos et Origene. Suivi de deux autres essays. 1990. [Solomos and Origen. Followed by two other essays. 1990.] Papadiamantis kai Skiathos: Photographies apo to Archeio Merlier. Prologos Paschali M. Kitromilidi. Eisagogi-epimeleia Foti Ar. Demetrakopoulou. 1991. [Papadiamantis And Skiathos: Photographs from the Merlier Archive. Prologue by Paschalis M. Kitromilidis. Forward and arrangement by Foti Ar. Demetracopoulos. 1991.] Archeio Aggelou Sikelianou. Euretirio. Epim. Elenis Papanikolaou (Upo ekdosi). [Archive of Angelos Sikelianos. Index. Arranged by Eleni Papanikolaou. (At press in 1996).] Periodiki Epistimoniki Ekdosi [Scientific Journal Publications] Deltio tou Kentrou Mikrasiatikon Spoudon. [Bulletin of the Center for Asia Minor Studies] *First Volume. 1977. Second Volume. 1980. Third Volume. 1982. Fourth Volume. 1983. Dedicated to the Asia Minor Catastrophe. Fifth Volume. 1984-1985. Sixth Volume. 1986-1987. Seventh Volume. 1990. Eighth Volume. 1991. Ninth Volume. 1993: Asia Minor Catastrophe and Hellenic Community. Tenth Volume. 1993-1994. Eleventh Volume. 1995-1996. Ekdoseis tou Mousikou Laographikou Archeiou [Publications of the Archives of Folkmusic] Merlie, Melpo, Tragoudia tis Roumelis. 1931. Anatyposi. 1981. [Songs of Roumeli.1931. Reprint. 1981.] *Merlie, Melpo. E Mousiki Laographia stin Ellada. Dokimio. 1935. [Merlier, Melpo.The Folkmusic of Greece. Treatise. 1935.] * Merlie, Melpo, Essai d’un tableau du folklore musical Grec.1935. [Merlier, Melpo, Essay of One Image of Greek Musical Folklore. 1935.] Merlier, M., Etudes de musique Byzantine. Le premier mode et son plagal. 1935. [Merlier, M., Studies on Byzantine Music. The First Mode and its Plagal Tone.1935.] * Baud-Bovy, S., Tragoudia ton Dodekanison. Tomos A’, 1935. Tomos B’, 1938. [Songs of the Dodecanese. First Volume, 1935. Second Volume, 1938.] * Baud-Bovy, S., Etudes sur la chanson cleftique avec 17 chansons cleftique de Roumelie transcrites d’apres les disques des Archives Musicales de Folklore. Prologos Melpos Merlie. 1958. [Baud-Bovy, S., Studies on the Song of the Klepht With17 Klepht Songs of Roumeli Transcribed From the Recordings of the Folkmusic Archives. Prologue by Melpo Merlier. 1958.] * Mazaraki, Despoina, To laiko klarino stin Ellada. Me eikosi mousika paradeigmata. Prologos Samuel Baud-Bovy. 1959. [Mazaraki, Despoina, The Clarinet in the Folkmusic of Greece. With 20 Musical Examples. Prologue by Samuel Baud-Bovy. 1959.] * Bouvier, B., Dimotika tragoudia apo cheirographo tis Monis Iviron. 1960. [Bouvier, B., Handwritten Folkmusic Songs From the Iviron Monastery. 1960.] Dragoumis, Markos F., Ogdonta pente dimotikes melodies apo ta kataloipa tou Nikolaou Phardy. 1991. [85 Unpublished Folkmusic Tunes from the Works of Nikolaos Phardys. 1991.] Hunt, Yvonne, Traditional Dance in Greek Culture. 1996. Diskoi [Recordings] * Dimotika tragoudia apo ti syllogi Melpos Merlie. Ichographiseis tou 1930, me authentikous ektelestis kai ti phoni tou Eleutheriou Venizelou. Epimeleia M. F. Dragoumi. 1976. [Folkmusic Songs from the Collection of Melpo Merlier. Sound Recordings from 1930, with Authentic Performers and the Voice of Eleftherios Venizelos. Arranger: M. F. Dragoumi. 1976.] Authentika Mikrasiatika. Apanthisma apo ti syllogi Melpos Merlie. Epimeleia M. F. Dragoiumi. 1980. [Authentic Songs from Asia Minor. Anthology from the Collection of Melpo Merlier. Arranger: M. F. Dragoumi. 1981.] * Chouliaradis. Authentika Ipeirotika tou 1930 apo ti syllogi Melpos Merlie me tous Gaki Sonti kai Niko Tzara. Epimeleia M. F. Dragoumi. 1988. (Kyklophorei Kai se kaseta.) [Authentic Ipirotika of 1930 from the Collection of Melpo Merlier with Gaki Sonti and Niko Tzara. Arranger: M. F. Dragoumi. 1988. (Also available in cassette.)] * Tragoudia tis Olympou Karpathou apo ti syllogi Melpos Merlie. Epimeleia M. F. Dragoumi. 1979. (Kaseta). [Songs of Mt. Olympos on Carpathos from the Collection of Melpo Merlier. Arranger: M. F. Dragoumi. 1971. (cassette).] * Tragoudia apo tin Aigina. Epimeleia M. F. Dragoumi. 1990. (Diplos diskous- dipli kaseta). [Songs from Aigina. Arranger: M. F. Dragoumi. 1990. (Double record-double cassette.)] Koustarazi.Dimotika tragoudia tis dyt. Makedonias apo to Archeio Melpos Merlie. Epimeleia M. F. Dragoumi. 1993. (CD-kaseta). [Folkmusic Songs of Western Macedonia from the Archive of Melpo Merlier. Arranger: M. F. Dragoumi. 1993. (CD-cassette).] |
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